Reasons Why People Might Not Seek Drug Rehab

Drug and Alcohol AddictionOut of millions of addicted or drug-dependent people, only about one in ten go to rehab each year. The rest of the people have their own reasons why they don’t find a rehab program.

The final result of addiction is either sobriety, prison or death. Once addiction sets in, drug cravings are so strong that most people need help to overcome their addiction. Even with a strong desire to quit, will power is not enough for most people to just quit. It takes an effective rehabilitation program to help them break free from their addiction.

But why do people not seek help?

Here are some common reasons why some people do not seek drug rehabilitation:

  • I don’t have health coverage and can’t afford private care.
  • I’m not ready to stop using drugs or alcohol.
  • I can handle this problem without treatment.
  • I don’t have transportation to get to treatment or it is inconvenient.
  • I don’t feel like I need treatment right now.
  • I don’t know where to go for treatment.
  • The neighbors or community might think less of me.
  • It might have a negative effect on my job.

Though these reasons might seem sensible, they are not reasons why a person should not get help. Breaking free from drug addiction far outweighs any excuse to not get help.

Get off Drugs at Narconon Fresh Start

Addiction to drugs and alcohol contributes to or directly causes illness, disability, broken families, loss of productivity, crime and death. The destruction from drugs or alcohol spreads through families, businesses and our communities affecting individuals one way or the other.

Learning Life SkillsThe long-term Narconon Fresh Start drug rehab program helps those who become addicted to drugs or alcohol get their life back. Our program uses a safe and natural holistic approach. It starts with a drug-free withdrawal that helps individuals to get off drugs as painlessly as possible using nutritional supplements. The next step involves using a drug detoxification method to flush out drug residuals that can drive cravings. This is followed by life skills training courses that help individuals recovering from addiction learn how to take control of their life and handle the problems in life that may have driven them to use drugs in the first place. These life skills courses also help them learn how to obtain goals, choose friends more wisely and live a more stable, successful life without drugs. The end result? Approximately seven out of ten graduates report staying drug-free, staying out of trouble and returning to a productive life six months or more after they return home.

If your loved one continues coming up with reasons as to why they can’t get into to a drug rehab program, call a Narconon Fresh Start rehab specialist today at 855-734-2223 to take the first step in helping your loved one their life back.

Learn more about how Narconon Fresh Start can help save you or a loved one’s life.