Fired from Job

Can I Go to Rehab and Keep My Job?

Fired from JobOne of the main considerations that keep people from going to rehab to get help for their addiction is the fear of losing their job. This is understandable and so many people forget about going to rehab altogether without a second thought for the sake of not losing their job. After all, there are bills to pay and a family at stake. If the provider for the family is gone, then who will bring home the bacon?

Unfortunately, some people never get the help that they need because in their own mind and what they have convinced others of is that they need to keep their job and be there for their family which seems very valid. But eventually their addiction gets worse and so they risk losing everything. They may start going into work late or missing days, stop paying bills and neglecting the family and the next thing you know, they’re in a worse situation than they would have been in if he or she would have just went to rehab and got the help that was needed in the first place.

There are specific laws set in place to protect the job of those who are seeking help for drug addiction. Don’t let this be a reason for you or your loved one to not get help. Call a Narconon Fresh Start drug counselor today to find out more about protecting your job while away at rehab.

After completing the Narconon Fresh Start program you will be able to return to work with a clear mind and a renewed purpose. You will more than likely be more productive and be able to get more work done on the job. Your boss, coworkers and clients will be able to appreciate that. And your family can have peace of mind knowing that you’re drug-free and have your life back!

True Recovery

True Recovery at Narconon Fresh Start

I Am No Longer Craving Drugs

I am no longer craving any drugs. The OW’s process is helping me to see all the wreckage I have created in the past. I realize now that I must cleanse myself of past overts and withholds in order to insure a successful present and future. I also realize I can be a jerk at times.


I Have Been Sleeping Better Since Day 1 Of Sauna

When I first started sauna I had a reaction within minutes. I haven’t had one since. I have been sleeping better since day 1 of sauna and I haven’t slept well in years. So far so good.


The Sauna Is Working Great

The sauna is working great. I can finally sleep again and I’m even eating more.


I Feel Happy

I finished sauna and feel great knowing that I have cleared most if not all drugs out of my system. I moved on to Overcoming Ups and Downs and I feel happy that I have learned something from this course.


I am Thinking More Clearly

So far, Objectives has made me more aware of my surroundings. And I am thinking more clearly and reasonably.


Objectives Has Taught Me A Lot About Myself

Objectives has taught me a lot about myself and helped me become more aware of my surroundings, more oriented with my environment, and in better communication with my twin. Our supervisor, Jamie has been great at explaining to us all the benefits of doing Objectives and the reasons why we do each one.


I’m Satisfied With The Program

I’m satisfied with my twin and feel confident with running Objectives. The second portion of this program seems to be beneficial and I’m excited to see the end result. So far I’m satisfied with the program and am grateful to be here.


Making Things Work

Today started out very rough, but I kept my cool. Processed what was happening and it worked out. I have an awesome twin now and we are making good progress. Thank you!


I Am Motivated To Continue My Recovery

Starting Objectives has really cleared my head and I feel great. I am motivated to continue my recovery and am very grateful for all the help I’ve had along the way.


Objectives Are Helping Me Get Better At Focusing

I am happy to have moved on to this new part of the program. Objectives are helping me get better at focusing on things other than my inner thoughts. It is helping me practice patience. I am happy to have such a wonderful twin.


I’ve Learned So Much About Myself

Narconon Fresh Start is straight. I’ve learned so much about myself and where and why I went wrong. I’ve had more fun this past week of my life than I’ve had in a long time.


I’ve Been Able To Face The Things I’ve Done In The Past

Course has been really good this week. I’m almost finished with Self and it feels really good. I’ve been able to face the things I’ve done in the past and now I know how to handle things moving forward.


Making It Back Sober

My success story is that I went back to show to my terminally ill mother who passed away that I made it to her funeral and back to Narconon Fresh Start sober. It was a tough test, but I feel even more dedicated to staying sober and completing the program. Thanks for having me back.


Creating A Better Life For Myself And The People Around Me

Working on Personal Values has been an intense experience for me. Facing what I’ve done to myself, my loved ones and my peers is not easy. Though by writing, seeing and admitting my wrongs is painful, it is a relief. This course has taught me what not to do anymore by learning from my past experience. To live by moral code and ethics thus creating a better life for myself and the people around me.


Theory Has Really Opened Up My Eyes

Theory has really opened up my eyes to some of the horrible things I used to do. It has helped me understand why I did some of the things that I did and why I will not do them in the future. I plan on getting my job back when I get home and staying sober.


Not Only Do I Feel Great Mentally, But Physically

I have come such a long way since I first got here to Narconon Fresh Start. Not only do I feel great mentally, but physically. I’ve never felt better. It feels so good to have energy back and have interest in outdoor activities. I’ve been skateboarding, playing volleyball, tennis, really anything outside I am really enjoying. I haven’t felt this good in years and all the thanks goes to Narconon Fresh Start.


Leaving Here Solid And Sober

I feel very good about my progress thus far on my OW write-ups. Getting the chance to get off my misdeeds and transgressions of the past ten years is hugely relieving. I’m looking forward to completing the process and leaving here solid and sober.


Narconon Fresh Start Saves Lives

Being Here Has Given Me A Completely Different Outlook On Life

Today is the first day of the rest of my life no matter how long I live. I realize I only have the moment to make it count. Being here has given me a completely different outlook on life. If my life ends today, I am completely OK because I died on my feet fighting for my life, rather than living on my knees inslaved to heroin. I am so grateful to Narconon Fresh Start and all of the people here.


I Feel A Lot Better Today Than I Did When I Was Getting High

I feel a lot better today than I did when I was getting high. I am eating and sleeping as well.


After Going Through Sauna I Feel More Focused And Clear Headed

I came in sauna with a foggy brain. After getting through sauna I feel more focused and clear headed. I feel more relaxed and have been sleeping much better. Sauna has made me feel like my old self in a good way.


I Have Noticed Each Day I Am Feeling Stronger

I enjoy meditating and listening to music while in the sauna. It helps me relax and genuinely feel better afterwards. I have noticed each day I am feeling stronger. I am feeling very happy about it.


I Can Think A Lot More Clearly

I feel a lot better. I’m a lot less depressed than I was and I can think a lot more clearly. My thought process doesn’t feel crowded by brain fog anymore.


The Sauna Is Working Very Well

Everyone here is very helpful. The sauna is working very well.


I Feel An Improvement In My Energy Level

Since i started sauna I feel an improvement in my energy level. Taking all the vitamins has greatly improved my appetite as well as improved my sleep. It also helped me build healthy relationships with other peers I’ve gone through the sauna section of the program with.


I’m So Thankful For The New Life I’ve Been Given

I’m so proud of myself! I’ve come so far! I’m almost 4 months into my internship and almost 6 months clean! It’s been a long time since I’ve been this happy. I owe so much to Narconon Fresh Start. I’m so thankful for the new life I’ve been given and this opportunity.


I Am Grateful To Be Here Today

Since coming to Narconon Fresh Start, I am sleeping better and feeling more mentally stable. Objectives is currently helping me to focus on myself and the present moment. I am realizing that I am the only person who can keep myself healthy and sober and that I will get as much out of the program as I put into it. I am grateful to be here today.


Everyday Has Been An Amazing Opportunity To Grow As A Productive Member

Throughout my program at Narconon Fresh Start, I’ve been able to confront my past. I started living in the present. Everyday has been an amazing opportunity to grow as a productive member of this facility and mature mentally.


I Feel Great About My Progress

I feel great about my progress this far on course. Getting to the OW write-ups and finally being able to get the past ten years off my chest is a tough, but ultimately liberating process that I know is a vital part of my recovery. And Tanner is a very rad and helpful Course Supervisor.


It’s Going To Give Me Strength To Be A Better Man

Being on course working on Personal Values is a soul searching experience. I’m now writing Overts and Withholds and doing so I’m having to look at what I did not only to myself, but to the ones I love and care for. This is a trying experience for me because I don’t like to admit the wrongs I’ve done, but in the end it’s going to give me strength to be a better man.


I’m Feeling Confident About Going Home And Staying Sober

I’m almost done. My last week here! It’s been tough, but I’m feeling confident about going home and staying sober! Thanks for the tough love!


My Depression Is Under Control And I Am Very Happy To Not Be On Psych Meds

So, I feel accomplished having completed sauna and objectives. The feeling of dread being here has been reduced to maybe just about 10% of the time. My depression is under control and I am very happy to not be on psych meds. I’m excited to tackle course with Tanner and I feel we have a friendly and fluid relationship to build on. So far, all the staff has been very awesome, and if they weren’t so awesome, I would’ve had a much more difficult experience thus far.


I Feel Successful

In course I feel successful because I’ve begun to get a lot off my chest. I’ve gotten so much written and I’m excited to be done soon.


I Have My Drive Back

It’s Monday morning success! In the last 7 days, I’ve pushed through some tough issues. I have realized something that I haven’t been able to see before. Life is good right now. I’m feeling good vibes for the future. Nothing can stop me. I’m on fire now that I have my drive back!


I Have Really Came A Long Way

Since I have gotten to Narconon Fresh Start, I have really came a long way. The sauna helped me tremendously in getting back to a good physical condition and feeling healthy. Objectives was also good and taught me a lot. How to communicate better with people and objects around me, and to be more in the here and now. It is a huge accomplishment for me to have made it to the course room.


Drug Intervention

Does a Drug Intervention Really Work?

Drug InterventionIf you can’t convince your loved one to get treatment, then how can an intervention? That may be a question that you have asked yourself. After all, maybe you have begged and pleaded and have done everything that you possibly could do to try and get your loved one to get help. Maybe you’ve even held your own family intervention at your home that ended miserably. According to Narconon Fresh Start professional Drug Interventionists, there are specific steps to take in order to pull off a successful drug intervention.

What is a Drug Intervention?

A drug intervention is a group of family members and/or friends that get together to confront a loved one who has addiction problems in order to help them get treatment.

A professional Drug Interventionist has the training and experience necessary to accomplish the goal of getting an addict into treatment. Narconon Fresh Start professional Drug Interventionists fly all over the United States to help families get their loved one into treatment. Approximately seven out of ten drug interventions are a success.

How a Narconon Fresh Start Drug Intervention Works

Drug Intervention Steps

There are two phases to a drug intervention.

The first phase is the pre-intervention where the Interventionist educates the group on how they are going to do the drug intervention step-by-step.

The Interventionist educates the group on:

  • What is happening with the addict.
  • What’s going on with his or her addiction and what the drugs are doing or will do to them.
  • What the addict’s reactions may be during the intervention.
  • Some healthy boundaries to set up in case the addict refuses help.
  • How to respond to excuses or situations that may arise.
  • How to write a specific four-part letter. (The first part of the letter expresses a bond, closeness and affection. The second part of the letter confronts how the addict’s addiction is affecting each person in the group and how it’s making each individual feel. The third part of the letter is to ask the addict to accept the help that is being offered. If the addict refuses help, then the fourth part of the letter is where the healthy boundaries come into play. An example of a healthy boundary is that the addict can no longer continuing living at the home.)

The second phase is the intervention itself which usually happens the following day. The Interventionist explains to the addict how the intervention process works. The interventionist will often pull the addict to the side and talk with them one-on-one because the addict feels more comfortable opening up and talking with a stranger rather than their own family. The Interventionist explains what the program can do for the addict in order to save their life.

What Parents and Graduates Say About the Intervention


We learned the hard way that we really needed professional help. We sought that professional help finally and it’s what really saved us and saved our son from this addiction that owned him and gave him back to us.

I have to say that this interventionist was marvelous. Within five minutes, he had Michael going to California.

I was so grateful that he went. I didn’t think it was going to be that easy. But it was. It’s good that we went through all of the parameters of doing it because you just never know. You just don’t know what they’re going to say or do. Because at that point, it’s their commitment to the program. And that’s what you have to have is their commitment to changing.

The Interventionist came on queue, on the money and overnight. Bang, he was there. That was good. Because time is very important. You don’t have anytime. The next day he could be dead.

We started reading our letters to him and how we felt. He said, “I know what this. It’s an intervention.” At that point he didn’t want any part of it. The interventionist said, “Don’t give up. Just be with him.” We followed him wherever he went and we read our letters. Finally we did what we had to do. We just said, “Neal, if you don’t go do this, we’re totally cutting you off from the family, you’re on your own. We can no longer support what you do.” At that point, Neal said, “Okay, I’m out of here.” So he packed his backpack and left… He came back and said, “Okay. I’m ready to go.” And so at that point we were just relieved that all of our work, time and effort – we were just heartfelt. It just felt so good that he was ready to commit to something like this. And he knew that he had a problem. And he knew that he wanted help.


I can pretty much say that I didn’t feel alone anymore. I had always hidden my addiction. I had always hidden it from everyone. To be able to open up with an individual and for him to relate to me so well really helped me. And it already felt like I was getting help immediately from the start.

They read me letters. And my Paw Paw read his letter and then he sang to me, You are My Sunshine, and I was ready. I was ready to get on the airplane and start over and get my life back.

If I had my family here, I’d be really happy that they got me into this program. It really helped me a lot. This place was great. I would like to even thank the Interventionist, Kyle.

Had the interventionist not made them write those letters and make me face the things that I did to them, I would not be here today and I wouldn’t have gotten my life back.

Why I Should Not Put off a Drug Intervention

It’s important to act now and do an intervention. Don’t wait because if you wait – it may be too late. People often talk about rock bottom. Rock bottom could mean death. And beyond that there is no intervention. Call Narconon Fresh Start today and set up a drug intervention.


Applauding Success Stories

Amazing Success Stories from Narconon Fresh Start

This Is a Great Stepping Stone for Me

Going through the body detoxification was an extreme win for me. Then doing objectives was an even greater win. Now I’m in course learning about myself and the social surrounding of personal lives that are a factor in everyday life. This is a great stepping stone for me in life and I know it will help me be a positive, productive citizen.


My Attitude has Improved Tremendously

Since I have been in objectives, my attitude has improved tremendously. I’ve learned how to have so much more patience and how to have so much more patience and how to work better with another person/others. Objectives is very repetitive and hard at times, but you just have to do it and push through. Life is full of things you aren’t going to want to do, but you have to … and objectives made me realize that.


My Craving for Marijuana has Subsided

So, I am much improved mentally. I do not still long for things such as my car, radio and Chinese food. My craving for marijuana has subsided. I realize if I use drugs in any form, I will not be the person that I want to become and I could be in danger of going to jail, coming back here or to another rehab or dying of an OD. I love living here. They have all been very nice and accepting of me. I have enjoyed objectives with Jamie and Chris (who has been very helpful.) You told me things would get easier once I got out of sauna and yes this has been true. Jake and Caitlin have helped me the most, talking me out of leaving several times, but I am committed to completing my program now.


My Family and I are Closer than Ever

The Narconon Fresh Start program has helped me so much! Working here is such a blessing. I can budget my money. I’m beginning to cook my own meals. I get plenty of sleep and my family and I are closer than ever.


Narconon Fresh Start Sauna Really Cleaned Out My System

Narconon Fresh Start sauna really cleaned out my system of toxins that I built up with drug abuse everyday. My skin and energy just kept getting better. The staff are the best as they are former students. Thanks so much.


I’m Looking Forward to Learning More

I’m ready to start the “Overcoming Ups and Downs In Life” course. I’m looking forward to learning more about this course as it seems interesting to me.


Focusing on a Sober Future

As of right now I’m going through a very difficult time in my life. My mother has terminal cancer and my brother and sister are being, well, not too cooperative. Even though I am having trouble concentrating, writing about all of my past alcohol and pot use made me realize I need to put the brakes on and focus on a sober future. Thank you.


I’m Excited to Have Moved on in My Program

I’m excited to have moved on in my program from the practical to the theory course room and I’m looking forward to getting a new better handle on the tools I need to be happy, successful and sober going forward in my life with the help of our awesome theory Supervisor. Yay!


I’m Learning How and Why I Operate

Throughout my time in theory I have been giving my OW’s a full confront. I have felt emotions I haven’t felt in a long time. I’m learning how and why I operate. I’m learning how to cope with the emotions in better ways. I’m excited to finish my OW’s and be able to say goodbye to the past.


Confident About Staying off Drugs

OW’s are going good. I’m feeling more confident about staying off of drugs as everyday goes by.


Future Planning

Upon working on my battle plans I have been given the opportunity to plan foe my treatment. It has been grounding to start realizing what my plans may be after my fresh start life. To plan ahead for my betterment and future.