New Life - No Drugs

I have Learned a Lot of Tools to Keep from Going Back to My Old Ways

Since I have been in this program thus far I have learned a lot of tools to keep from going back to my old ways of living, such as types of people to associate myself with, and reasons not do drugs. Also, I have been able to reconnect with myself and start rebuilding my relationship with my loved ones. Not to mention that the sobriety time I have accumulated while being here.


Toxins Are Starting To Leave My Body

Sleeping better and starting to have a more clear head space. I am also eating better and waking up much less tired and feel like toxins are starting to leave my body. Having a lot more energy during the day.


I Feel Like A New Person Physically And Mentally

I feel like a new person physically and mentally. I’m thinking more clearly and lost memories are coming back. Sauna gives me a lot of time to think and sort out these new feelings and thoughts that I am experiencing.


It’s A Great Feeling To Not Want To Use As Soon As You Get Up

After this past week my sleeping is coming back. I feel better and am eating better. I’m starting to feel like myself again. It’s a great feeling to not want to use as soon as you get up.


I Have Been Given A Gift To Heal

I’m feeling better overall. Better sleep, full appetite. I miss home, but I know I have been given a gift to heal.


Sauna Has Improved My Physical State Of Being

Despite feeling down emotionally, sauna has improved my physical state of being and my overall mood and demeanor. Some days are tougher than others. Overall, I am sleeping and eating better. I am surrendering to and trusting the process.


Increased Energy Level

So far, sauna has helped me in many ways. I am now sleeping through the night. I am eating much better and my energy level from taking all the vitamins has increased. We have a great group of people in sauna so it makes the time go by quick so I’m really enjoying sauna. And the staff are really helpful.


Sweating Out The Toxins And Feeding My Body Vitamins

Everyday I wake up feeling physically better. Sweating out the toxins and feeding my body vitamins and good food is really helping. I look forward to finishing the sauna and feeling even better afterward.


Life Is Solid

The amount of progress I’ve made is night and day. Finally sleep is solid, appetite is solid and life is solid.


I Can Feel And See A Huge Change

I’m pleased to have been given Objectives a chance. It went rather quickly and I know I’m not fully done, but I can feel and see a huge change. Thank you.


Notice Big Changes In My Patience And Attention Span

It’s been two days in Objectives now and I am starting to notice big changes in my patience and attention span. I am excited to finish and move on to the next step.


Starting To Think About My Future For Once

I’m sleeping and feeling better. Starting to think about my future for once.


My Cravings Are Diminishing

As each day goes by, my body continues to feel better and my cravings are diminishing. My mood is even more stabilized and my intentions to succeed are stronger.


Glad To Be Feeling More Like Myself

It’s getting near the end of my sauna session and I have been feeling better more and more everyday. I have been sleeping a lot better throughout the night. I am becoming more aware of what is going around me and what is currently happening right now. I am so glad to be feeling more like myself.


I’m Going To Get The Most Out Of This Program

Every step I’ve taken in this program at Narconon Fresh Start, I have gotten a lot out of. Objectives taught me patience and how to deal with emotions. Course is very helpful. Writing down things that you have been through helps a lot. I have become a person who is living day-by-day and not so much in a hurry. I’m going to get the most out of this program so I can deal with anything that comes my way.


I Will Live A Clean And Sober Life

I feel much better about my future, hopes and aspirations. I feel that I will live a clean and sober life. I got in present time during Objectives and completely detoxed from sauna. I’m currently taking responsibility for my harmful acts by writing my overs and withholds on paper.


I’m Back To My Old Self Again

I truly feel that I have broken my addiction at this point through the detox and Objectives. I feel like I’m back to my old self again and I look forward to completing course.


Everyday I Feel Better

The program so far has been great. I’ve gotten a lot of good out of it. It’s been challenging, but everyday I feel better. I can’t wait to go home and see my family and my old friends. It has been a good experience and I learned a lot, but my time is almost over.


Sauna Drug Detox

I Highly Recommend the Sauna

Sauna Drug Detox
Today was day 20 for me in sauna and I can’t express how much better I feel. I have improved in many different aspects of my sobriety. I highly recommend the sauna. They never said it was going to be easy, but well worth it. Thanks again.


People And Staff Here Are Amazing

Feel great and the people and staff here are amazing. Food is by far the best I’ve had at a rehab. Sleeping good now. Nothing bad to say at all.


Feel So Much Better

I didn’t want to be here at first, but now I am 2 weeks into sauna and feel so much better than when I first got here.


My Mood Has Changed

Sauna has made me feel a lot better since I have been here. I eat better, I sleep so much better, have a lot more energy and my mood has changed as well!!


Feeling A Weight Being Lifted

Course has been good so far. I am writing my handle letters and am already feeling a weight being lifted. I am looking forward to the rest of course and getting the full benefits out of it. Vince has been a huge help my first week here. And some of my peers have also been a big help.


Considering What’s Best For My Well Being

I’ve had a lot more patience and feel much healthier now. I find myself looking through others perspectives before I react. I’ve learned to look at things and people around me to consider what’s best for my well being. I can look at my past decisions and see the bad and the good and understand how it’s impacted who I am today.


I Care More About Myself And Others

From what I’ve learned about myself while writing my overts is that I’m not necessarily a bad person. I just made a lot of bad decisions. Going forward I feel I will be more prepared in the real world to not give in to peer pressure or simply the desire to use drugs and alcohol. I’m more aware of the self destruction of over consumption of these things and now I care more about myself and others to truly do the right thing.


I’m Enjoying This Program

I feel very accomplished after moving along in my OW’s. I feel pretty awesome for getting student of the week as well. I’m truly getting a lot out of it. I’m enjoying this program. Thank you Narconon Fresh Start.


I Have Come A Long Way

I have come a long way since arriving some 60+ days ago. From a quivering pile of jelly at withdrawal, through the sauna, and now in course. My progress has continued at a steady pace. I look forward to completing course and graduating on the 10th of March.


More Focused On What My Future Has In Store For Me

Since starting Objectives, I have been less focused on my past drug use and more focused on what my future has in store for me.


Communication Is Becoming Much Easier

Communication is becoming much easier with my twin, along with my confront. Staying in present time and not looking back on my past and looking ahead to the future is becoming much easier!


Teaching Me Great Patience Skills

I have learned that I am able to be more focused on the here and now in present time. Also I feel this is teaching me great patience skills, and also helping dramatically improve my communication skills.


Drug Intervention

Does a Drug Intervention Really Work?

Drug InterventionIf you can’t convince your loved one to get treatment, then how can an intervention? That may be a question that you have asked yourself. After all, maybe you have begged and pleaded and have done everything that you possibly could do to try and get your loved one to get help. Maybe you’ve even held your own family intervention at your home that ended miserably. According to Narconon Fresh Start professional Drug Interventionists, there are specific steps to take in order to pull off a successful drug intervention.

What is a Drug Intervention?

A drug intervention is a group of family members and/or friends that get together to confront a loved one who has addiction problems in order to help them get treatment.

A professional Drug Interventionist has the training and experience necessary to accomplish the goal of getting an addict into treatment. Narconon Fresh Start professional Drug Interventionists fly all over the United States to help families get their loved one into treatment. Approximately seven out of ten drug interventions are a success.

How a Narconon Fresh Start Drug Intervention Works

Drug Intervention Steps

There are two phases to a drug intervention.

The first phase is the pre-intervention where the Interventionist educates the group on how they are going to do the drug intervention step-by-step.

The Interventionist educates the group on:

  • What is happening with the addict.
  • What’s going on with his or her addiction and what the drugs are doing or will do to them.
  • What the addict’s reactions may be during the intervention.
  • Some healthy boundaries to set up in case the addict refuses help.
  • How to respond to excuses or situations that may arise.
  • How to write a specific four-part letter. (The first part of the letter expresses a bond, closeness and affection. The second part of the letter confronts how the addict’s addiction is affecting each person in the group and how it’s making each individual feel. The third part of the letter is to ask the addict to accept the help that is being offered. If the addict refuses help, then the fourth part of the letter is where the healthy boundaries come into play. An example of a healthy boundary is that the addict can no longer continuing living at the home.)

The second phase is the intervention itself which usually happens the following day. The Interventionist explains to the addict how the intervention process works. The interventionist will often pull the addict to the side and talk with them one-on-one because the addict feels more comfortable opening up and talking with a stranger rather than their own family. The Interventionist explains what the program can do for the addict in order to save their life.

What Parents and Graduates Say About the Intervention


We learned the hard way that we really needed professional help. We sought that professional help finally and it’s what really saved us and saved our son from this addiction that owned him and gave him back to us.

I have to say that this interventionist was marvelous. Within five minutes, he had Michael going to California.

I was so grateful that he went. I didn’t think it was going to be that easy. But it was. It’s good that we went through all of the parameters of doing it because you just never know. You just don’t know what they’re going to say or do. Because at that point, it’s their commitment to the program. And that’s what you have to have is their commitment to changing.

The Interventionist came on queue, on the money and overnight. Bang, he was there. That was good. Because time is very important. You don’t have anytime. The next day he could be dead.

We started reading our letters to him and how we felt. He said, “I know what this. It’s an intervention.” At that point he didn’t want any part of it. The interventionist said, “Don’t give up. Just be with him.” We followed him wherever he went and we read our letters. Finally we did what we had to do. We just said, “Neal, if you don’t go do this, we’re totally cutting you off from the family, you’re on your own. We can no longer support what you do.” At that point, Neal said, “Okay, I’m out of here.” So he packed his backpack and left… He came back and said, “Okay. I’m ready to go.” And so at that point we were just relieved that all of our work, time and effort – we were just heartfelt. It just felt so good that he was ready to commit to something like this. And he knew that he had a problem. And he knew that he wanted help.


I can pretty much say that I didn’t feel alone anymore. I had always hidden my addiction. I had always hidden it from everyone. To be able to open up with an individual and for him to relate to me so well really helped me. And it already felt like I was getting help immediately from the start.

They read me letters. And my Paw Paw read his letter and then he sang to me, You are My Sunshine, and I was ready. I was ready to get on the airplane and start over and get my life back.

If I had my family here, I’d be really happy that they got me into this program. It really helped me a lot. This place was great. I would like to even thank the Interventionist, Kyle.

Had the interventionist not made them write those letters and make me face the things that I did to them, I would not be here today and I wouldn’t have gotten my life back.

Why I Should Not Put off a Drug Intervention

It’s important to act now and do an intervention. Don’t wait because if you wait – it may be too late. People often talk about rock bottom. Rock bottom could mean death. And beyond that there is no intervention. Call Narconon Fresh Start today and set up a drug intervention.


Drug Rehabilitation Sign

Should I Wait to Find a Drug Rehab for My Loved One?

Drug Rehabilitation SignIt’s never too late to get your loved one into a drug rehab, but waiting to see if rehab is needed puts your loved one at grave risk.

One of the worst pieces of advice to tell someone who is seeking to help a loved one with drug addiction is, “wait until he hits rock bottom.” Rock bottom could be death.

It’s easy to put off finding a drug rehab for your loved one when he keeps saying, “I’m going to quit”, or, “This is the last time”, because you believe him. Deep down the addict probably does want to quit and may even try, but the drug cravings or withdrawal pains drive him right back to using.

Statistics show that the chances of an addict getting off drugs on his own are very slim. It’s hard for someone who doesn’t struggle with a drug or alcohol addiction to understand that so this is another factor of why someone keeps waiting to get their loved one into a rehab.

Waiting to get your loved one some help could cost him his life, job, relationships and everything else that is dear to him. Drug addiction never gets better. It only gets worse. When a person is in their addiction, they aren’t their self. They will eventually start to give up almost anything and everything to get their next high.

If you suspect that your loved one is using drugs or needs help, the time to act is now. Call a counselor and get some advice on how to go about getting your loved one some help. Narconon Fresh Start offers free consultation services so feel free to call 855-734-2223 and speak to one of our counselors.

The Narconon Fresh Start Program

Learning Life SkillsThe Narconon Fresh Start program uses one of the most successful and effective drug rehabilitation methods in the world and is unlike any other drug rehab program. We help individuals get off drugs naturally, which is different from some other rehab programs who use drug substitutions. And our drug detoxification program is very unique. It actually flushes out drug residues that drive drug cravings. And the final stage of our program takes individuals through a series of life skills courses that teach a person how to take control of their life. They learn how to communicate more effectively, confront problems, choose friends more wisely and make ethical decisions. These life skills courses help bring about changes in their behavior and increase their awareness and abilities so that they can reach their goals and live a stable and successful life without turning to drugs.

Get help today. Don’t wait. 1-855-734-2223