Drug Intervention

Does a Drug Intervention Really Work?

Drug InterventionIf you can’t convince your loved one to get treatment, then how can an intervention? That may be a question that you have asked yourself. After all, maybe you have begged and pleaded and have done everything that you possibly could do to try and get your loved one to get help. Maybe you’ve even held your own family intervention at your home that ended miserably. According to Narconon Fresh Start professional Drug Interventionists, there are specific steps to take in order to pull off a successful drug intervention.

What is a Drug Intervention?

A drug intervention is a group of family members and/or friends that get together to confront a loved one who has addiction problems in order to help them get treatment.

A professional Drug Interventionist has the training and experience necessary to accomplish the goal of getting an addict into treatment. Narconon Fresh Start professional Drug Interventionists fly all over the United States to help families get their loved one into treatment. Approximately seven out of ten drug interventions are a success.

How a Narconon Fresh Start Drug Intervention Works

Drug Intervention Steps

There are two phases to a drug intervention.

The first phase is the pre-intervention where the Interventionist educates the group on how they are going to do the drug intervention step-by-step.

The Interventionist educates the group on:

  • What is happening with the addict.
  • What’s going on with his or her addiction and what the drugs are doing or will do to them.
  • What the addict’s reactions may be during the intervention.
  • Some healthy boundaries to set up in case the addict refuses help.
  • How to respond to excuses or situations that may arise.
  • How to write a specific four-part letter. (The first part of the letter expresses a bond, closeness and affection. The second part of the letter confronts how the addict’s addiction is affecting each person in the group and how it’s making each individual feel. The third part of the letter is to ask the addict to accept the help that is being offered. If the addict refuses help, then the fourth part of the letter is where the healthy boundaries come into play. An example of a healthy boundary is that the addict can no longer continuing living at the home.)

The second phase is the intervention itself which usually happens the following day. The Interventionist explains to the addict how the intervention process works. The interventionist will often pull the addict to the side and talk with them one-on-one because the addict feels more comfortable opening up and talking with a stranger rather than their own family. The Interventionist explains what the program can do for the addict in order to save their life.

What Parents and Graduates Say About the Intervention


We learned the hard way that we really needed professional help. We sought that professional help finally and it’s what really saved us and saved our son from this addiction that owned him and gave him back to us.

I have to say that this interventionist was marvelous. Within five minutes, he had Michael going to California.

I was so grateful that he went. I didn’t think it was going to be that easy. But it was. It’s good that we went through all of the parameters of doing it because you just never know. You just don’t know what they’re going to say or do. Because at that point, it’s their commitment to the program. And that’s what you have to have is their commitment to changing.

The Interventionist came on queue, on the money and overnight. Bang, he was there. That was good. Because time is very important. You don’t have anytime. The next day he could be dead.

We started reading our letters to him and how we felt. He said, “I know what this. It’s an intervention.” At that point he didn’t want any part of it. The interventionist said, “Don’t give up. Just be with him.” We followed him wherever he went and we read our letters. Finally we did what we had to do. We just said, “Neal, if you don’t go do this, we’re totally cutting you off from the family, you’re on your own. We can no longer support what you do.” At that point, Neal said, “Okay, I’m out of here.” So he packed his backpack and left… He came back and said, “Okay. I’m ready to go.” And so at that point we were just relieved that all of our work, time and effort – we were just heartfelt. It just felt so good that he was ready to commit to something like this. And he knew that he had a problem. And he knew that he wanted help.


I can pretty much say that I didn’t feel alone anymore. I had always hidden my addiction. I had always hidden it from everyone. To be able to open up with an individual and for him to relate to me so well really helped me. And it already felt like I was getting help immediately from the start.

They read me letters. And my Paw Paw read his letter and then he sang to me, You are My Sunshine, and I was ready. I was ready to get on the airplane and start over and get my life back.

If I had my family here, I’d be really happy that they got me into this program. It really helped me a lot. This place was great. I would like to even thank the Interventionist, Kyle.

Had the interventionist not made them write those letters and make me face the things that I did to them, I would not be here today and I wouldn’t have gotten my life back.

Why I Should Not Put off a Drug Intervention

It’s important to act now and do an intervention. Don’t wait because if you wait – it may be too late. People often talk about rock bottom. Rock bottom could mean death. And beyond that there is no intervention. Call Narconon Fresh Start today and set up a drug intervention.



Drug Intervention ServicesLiving in denial about your loved one’s addiction problem is not the answer; acknowledging it and addressing it though drug rehabilitation is what is needed.

Families struggling with an addicted loved one are living in crisis mode. They often fail to see the many behavior and warnings signs that indicate a problem is present. Living in denial about a loved one’s substance abuse problem leads to further destruction in the family and can potentially hamper receiving the treatment that is necessary to end addiction. A parents or families denial of their loved one’s addiction problem can be the pivotal cause for long term success or failure.

Before help for addiction is sought out, it is very common for loved ones to live in a state of denial about their family member’s addiction problem; often hoping that it is a phase that will pass in time. Their decision to look the other way in hopes that things will return to “normal” is a common coping mechanism. It is human nature that when under extreme stress the individual will turn to the denial reflexive defense to give their overly stressed mind a break in order to absorb what is really going on around them. While this reflexive denial of what is going on can work to calm the loved ones of the addicted individual, it does not provide a long term solution to the problem.

In the case of addiction, early intervention is always best. Living in denial about your loved one’s addiction problem until it becomes so bad that it is undeniable can lead to catastrophic consequences. Looking the other way, denying there is a problem only reinforces to the addicted individual that their behavior is ok. Families who choose to commit to making a change early in their loved one’s addiction problem leads to becoming pro-active and getting help sooner.

Where many families fall short in helping their loved one is after this initial push for change. Once the addicted loved one’s problems have been laid on the table it is time for action. Many families fall into a false sense of confidence that their loved one has now acknowledged their addiction problem and will take the proper steps on their own to stop using. The family members mistakenly believe that this topic has been put to rest and begin to loosen the structure and boundaries they have set for their addicted loved one. This lack of follow-through in getting the loved one the help they need is where many families fall short in their efforts to help their addicted family member.

In order for the addicted loved one to truly recover from their addiction problem, drug rehabilitation is necessary. It is only by learning new ways of thinking and interacting that the addicted individual can put their addiction in the past and move on to a healthy sober life. Without the help of addiction treatment, the addicted person may be able to go a few weeks or months with out returning to drugs – but that does not solve the problem in the long run. The entire family will need to make changes to support and guide the addicted individual. Family members of addicts benefit from counseling and therapy to help them learn to adjust their viewpoint and develop healthy, honest relationships with their loved one’s again.

Call Narconon Fresh Start today at 1-855-734-2223 to go over treatment options.


What is an alcohol intervention?

Drug and Alcohol AddictionAn alcohol intervention is a process used to address a loved one’s problems with alcohol. The primary goal is to get the alcoholic or problem drinker to acknowledge their addiction and realize that they need help to stop drinking. A successful intervention is when the addicted person realizes that they have a serious alcohol addiction problem and that their drinking is hurting themselves as well as those who care about them. They come to realize that in order to stop their drinking they need to enroll in an alcohol drug rehab in order to achieve lasting sobriety.

When an alcoholic is deep in their addiction they will often be oblivious to how serious their problems with alcohol really are. They may look at their friends and acquaintances and feel as though their drinking is not problematic or out of control and that they have no reason to put down the bottle. This is why holding an alcohol intervention can be an important part of getting your loved one the help they need. By speaking with them about their self-destructive behavior you are opening up the lines of communication and showing them that their problems with alcohol need to be addressed.

When you are ready to hold the alcohol intervention there are a few important points to keep in mind:

  • the timing
  • your tone
  • ultimatums
  • treatment options

It is vital to hold the intervention when the person is sober. It may be challenging to find just the right moment when your loved one is clear-headed and the other people who are supporting you in the intervention are available; do your best. If the addict is intoxicated there is no point in trying to reason with them and address their addiction issues. They will likely blow you off, not remember the intervention or become confused and hostile; find another time.

How an Intervention can Save Your Loved One’s Life

Call a Narconon Fresh Start drug rehab specialist today to schedule a drug intervention.


When you speak with your loved one about their problems with alcohol you need to be mindful of your tone. Your tone should be non-judgmental, non-critical and empathetic. Think of it this way, no one likes to hear bad things about themselves and the way they have hurt others; it is likely that your loved one will become standoffish and defensive at first. This is normal and should be expected. Keep your cool and do not engage in an argument or become hostile towards them. Talk to them about how you remember the way they were before alcohol became a problem. Let them know how much you miss the “old” them. Tell them that you are there to support them and look forward to the future when they will sober.

Another part of an alcohol intervention is using your positive influence to change your own behavior and that of the addict. Before the intervention think of the ways that you enable them to continue with their self-destructiveness:

  • do you loan them money
  • do you give them a place to stay
  • do you make excuses for them
  • do you drive them to purchase alcohol when they are too intoxicated to do it themself

Set ultimatums that you are willing to hold firm to and let them know that you will no longer help them in that manner. You will need to pick actions that you can truly follow through with, otherwise it is wasted time if the addict knows that you say one thing but are easily persuaded to do what they want. Remember, if your loved one does not stop drinking and get the help that they need you will need to follow through with the ultimatums you have stated.

One last key part of preparing for an alcohol intervention is locating alcohol drug rehab options that are available the very day of the intervention. This helps to ensure that the alcoholic has a place to go if they agree they are ready to stop drinking and get help. Call around and do your research. Ask lots of questions about the treatment programs:

  • how long have they been in business
  • what is their long-term success rate
  • what are their treatment methods
  • are they drug-free or do they use prescription medications during their rehabilitation process
  • what is their treatment philosophy
  • do they carry the appropriate accreditation
  •  can you speak with any graduates or parents of graduates
  • do they have any type of guarantee

Also, be sure to let them know that you are going to be holding an alcohol intervention; they may even have some tips or helpful advice as well to make the process go even smoother.

When the time comes to hold your alcohol intervention, be strong and supportive towards the addict. It is helpful if you have other family and friends to assist you and provide loving examples of how the addict’s drinking is causing problems. Employing loved ones can also help to keep the addict sober before the intervention, help to get them to stay at the intervention (should they want to leave) and get the alcoholic to open up if they begin to shut everyone out.

If your loved one does not choose to stop drinking on the exact day of the alcohol intervention it does not mean that it was unsuccessful. Some addicts need time to think about what their loved ones have communicated to them. It may only take days or weeks before they come around and acknowledge that they need and want help to stop drinking. Those who don’t will still benefit from hearing what those who love them think about their drinking and it will plant the seed in their minds that they may have a drinking problem.

How to help a drug addict with a drug intervention

Drug Intervention ServicesGetting help for an addicted person is one of the best things you can do to stop their downward spiral further in to substance abuse and dependence. For those of you who suspect that someone you care about is addicted to drugs it is vital that you deal with the circumstances at hand with great care. Feeling afraid or intimidated to approach the person you care about regarding their drug use problem is not uncommon because you are unsure of how they will respond. Even though approaching them is difficult, the important thing is finding them the drug addiction help that they need.

Saving a Loved One’s Life with a Drug Intervention

Schedule a Narconon Fresh Start drug intervention today.


Before you begin talking to your loved one about different treatment options it is important that you go over their personal drug addiction problem. When approaching them about their drug addiction issues it is imperative that you do not confront them in such a way that they feel cornered and become defensive causing an argument to erupt. Most drug addicted individuals anger easily so it is vital that your approach be from a place of caring and compassion instead of hostility and negativity.

Speaking with your loved one about their addiction issues is an extremely sensitive situation and can be made smoother by using a trained drug intervention specialist. If you choose to hire  a drug  interventionist to help you set up the intervention, he or she will coach you and the rest of the addict’s friends and family on what to say and do during the intervention process. Whether you use a drug intervention specialist or not, it is essential that everyone present at the intervention emphasize how much they love the addicted individual and that they are all willing to give their support during their recovery. Before the day of the intervention the key people involved will need to research and located drug rehab programs that will be appropriate for their addicted loved one. Ensuing that these programs have immediate availability for the addicted person if they choose to accept treatment means the transition from the intervention into treatment will run smoothly and be as effective as possible. When the intervention comes to an end the addicted person will be asked to accept help to end their addiction and swiftly be enrolled into a drug rehabilitation program.

How do you get someone into a drug rehab?

Drug Intervention ServicesHow do you get someone into a drug rehab? Holding a drug intervention is the first step in attempting to get the addict to recognize their problem and realize they need help to stop using. The primary purpose of conducting a drug intervention is to motivate the individual to seek the help they need to get off drugs or alcohol right then; the very day and time that you are holding the intervention. It doesn’t do much good to have them agree to get help or make them wait days or weeks before enrollment into a drug rehab comes to fruition. This is why there are a few key steps you as the loved one must perform before actually holding the intervention.

First, the person who is running the drug intervention forms a group of people who care about and supports the addicted individual. You may choose to contact a drug interventionist if the addict has the potential to become angry or violent during the intervention.  Next, those concerned need to research the extent of their addicted loved one’s problem. What types of drugs are they abusing and what negative results have happened because of their addiction problem?

Narconon Fresh Start Drug Intervention

Call and talk to a Narconon Fresh Start drug interventionist today.


This is also a good time to make contact with drug rehab programs. You are probably going to first consider treatment facilities close to home but this is not always the best choice. Take into consideration having them enroll in a long distance program. This will remove them from their using environment, give them the space and distance necessary and hinder contact from dealers and using buddies. They will be able to focus solely on their personal addiction recovery.

It is important to have a drug rehab center lined up before the day of the intervention so that if/when the addict agrees to treatment you have an exact place to take them right away. Some drug rehab programs are very busy and have a wait list; others will have specific enrollment conditions. These are all pieces of the puzzle you are putting together before the intervention takes place. Having this information and working out the details before your loved one accepts treatment is vital to having the drug intervention run successfully.

The group who will be holding the intervention should meet a few times before the actual event to go over planning, location details and building their ability to work together. As a group you want to present a consistent, rehearsed message along with a structured treatment plan. The addict should be in the dark about these private meetings so as not to spook or give them a heads up on the impending intervention. During these meetings you will also be discussing specific consequences if the addict chooses not to accept treatment. Each group member needs to decide what action he or she is willing to take if the addict does not go into a rehab program. An example may be asking the addict to move out or taking away contact with children.

Before the intervention is held each member of the group needs to write down what they are going to say. This includes specific details of incidents where they addict either caused the group member problems or the group member witnessed a problem the addict was going through due to their substance abuse. Emotional issues, financial problems and relationship difficulties are common topics discussed during an addiction intervention. These topics are discussed during the intervention itself with regards to the toll it has taken on the addict and with an optimistic tone that you as a loved one know that the addict can change in the future.

How do you get someone into a drug rehab? When the time comes for the intervention to take place a member of the pre-established group has the addict arrive at the intervention location without revealing the reason. The group takes turns expressing their concerns and feelings about the addicted person’s substance use. The addict is presented with the treatment options previously arranged and asked if they are willing to accept treatment right there on the spot. If they falter or say no then each group member goes over the specific previously decided changes they plan to instill regarding the addict (having them move out, contact with children removed, etc.) since the addicted person is not getting help.

Once the drug intervention is over there are two paths the addict could go down. They could either accept treatment and then be escorted directly to the previously arranged drug rehab program or they continue using and have to live with the new changes their loved ones put into place. If they enter treatment it is important that spouses, family members and loved ones who are supportive of the recovering person remain in contact with them. This works to encourages them to remain in treatment and gives them a support network to reach out to when they complete drug rehab and return to their daily life.

If the addicted person does not accept treatment on the spot it does not mean that they are a lost cause. They may come around to the idea and just need days or weeks to think it through and approach recovery on their own terms. In the end, holding a drug intervention to get someone into a drug rehab is a beneficial and life affirming endeavor. Because, even if they do not go into treatment that very day, they know how much you truly care for them. They have had a mirror held up to their addiction issues and they cannot deny that they have people in their life who feel their actions are detrimental to their wellbeing.