How Narconon Fresh Start Helps People Recover from Addiction

The Narconon Fresh Start drug rehab program is a comprehensive, holistic, long term method that effectively ends addiction problems once and for all.

The Narconon Fresh Start drug and alcohol rehabilitation program helps addicted individuals achieve long term sobriety and success in life. Effectively eliminating physical cravings through their New Life Detoxification Program, graduates of Narconon Fresh Start no longer struggle with compulsions to use drugs or alcohol. Narconon Fresh Start’s comprehensive drug and alcohol detoxification method flushes out the accumulated drug residues through a protocol of supervised exercise, monitored periods of sweating in a dry sauna and nutritional supplements that target the individual’s fatty tissues to effectively remove the stored drug metabolites. All program participants are medically cleared by a doctor before starting this intensive detoxification program to ensure their safety and wellbeing. The benefits of the New Life Detoxification Program include significantly reduced drug cravings. A majority of Narconon Fresh Start program participants find that they no longer struggle with cravings for drugs or alcohol whatsoever.

Following the New Life Detoxification Program is the Life Skill Courses. These courses educate the program participant on how to handle life clean and sober; to cope with the many joys and pains they will experience in their life without returning to drugs or alcohol. Program participants become students learning essential skills and tools to help them improve their quality of life. During their time enrolled in the Narconon Fresh Start drug rehab program students develop communication skills, study skills, personal responsibility, learn how to repair past damage they have caused, and cultivate a common sense moral code to live by. Graduates of this program regain control over their emotions, their behavior and their life. They learn how to work towards productive goals and maintain positive relationships while avoiding destructive ones.



2C-I-NBOMe and 2C-C-NBOMe

2C-I-NBOMe and 2C-C-NBOMe are two psychedelic synthetic substances that are being used here in the U.S.

As the world of synthetic drugs continues to grow and expand another deadly substance has surfaced. 2C-I-NBOMe (also known as 25I-NBOMe) and 2C-C-NBOMe are synthetic designer drugs; their chemical structures emulate the high a user would experience on LSD. However, these drugs are so intoxicating that even a small dose, the size of a few grains of salt are enough to get the user high. Many users are misinformed about the substances and consume more than the amount necessary to get “high”, resulting in overwhelming hallucinations and in some cases deadly overdoses.

The cost of these substances is relatively inexpensive with a dose ranging in price from $0.25 to $5.00.   Users ingest these drugs in a variety of ways. They may snort the drug, take it on blotter paper, inject the substance, place it under their tongue, or even bake it into food items (brownies). The visual effects of these synthetic psychedelic substances are similar to LSD, but slightly different. Users may experience a powerful euphoric feeling, similar to Ecstasy. The duration of effects from these synthetic drugs depend on how the substance was consumed. When taken by mouth via a tab of blotter paper or under the tongue the effects may last anywhere from 6-10 hours. When the drug is insufflated (snorted) the duration of the effects range from 4-6 hours. However, effects of these substances have been known to last significantly longer depending on the dosage the user takes. Some users have reported effects lasting longer than 12 hours.

Some users have mistakenly taken 2C-I-NBOMe and 2C-C-NBOMe thinking they are consuming LSD. These users find that the drug they have actually consumed is much more powerful and intense than LSD. Taking 2 blotter tabs of these synthetic psychedelic drugs can lead to a “bad” trip, very dangerous side effects, a visit to the ER and in some of the worst cases death. In the past years, numerous deaths have been associated with 2C-I-NBOMe and 2C-C-NBOMe. Fatal reactions from these drugs have lead to uncontrollable convulsions, foaming at the mouth, multiple organ failure and cardiac arrest.

Teens and young adults looking to get high have more choices than ever before. Synthetic drugs have been created to emulate the effects of marijuana, cocaine, meth, LSD, and heroin. The chemical makeup of these synthetic drugs are hard to pin down, and once identified and banned – the chemical companies alter the compound ever so slightly and avoid legal issues. When the chemical companies alter the compound from the one that is banned, it is no longer considered a controlled substance here in the United States and it is back on the market. Many of these chemical compounds are manufactured overseas. They are imported in bulk and sold here in the United States once the substance is assembled and packaged for resale. Often, they are labeled as “research chemicals” or “not for human consumption” in order to avoid prosecution.

In order to prevent your teen or loved one from experimenting with synthetic drugs it is important that you know what your kids are doing. While they may seem unwilling to share their day to day life with you, it is critical that you know what they are doing on the computer, who they are online with and who they are spending time around. By becoming invested and active in their daily life will you know what is going on behind closed doors. Keep an open dialog with them using social media, TV., movies, etc. to begin conversations about all forms of substance use. Synthetic drugs have become a widespread problem and it is important that your teen or loved one understand their dangers.

Don’t Turn a Blind Eye to Addiction

Family and friends who choose to do nothing about their loved one’s addiction problem enable them to continue their use.

Having an alcoholic or drug addict in the family is often a painful and heartbreaking situation. As the loved one, you care deeply for the addicted individual but getting them to recognize their problem and accept help is challenging. There are probably times when you would rather turn a blind eye to their substance use and pretend that nothing is wrong; hoping that things will just get better and the problem will eventually go away. Unfortunately, this is not the case in most situations. If left untreated, addiction progresses and consumes the user; robing them of their emotional stability, finances, physical health and in some cases their lives. By minimizing or choosing to live in denial about your loved one’s addiction problem the situation will eventually go from bad to worse and damage the addict and those who love and care about them.

Drug addiction and alcoholism are difficult challenges that incorporate many interconnected issues for the addicted individual. While there is no “magic” formula to end addiction once and for all, drug rehab programs such as Narconon Fresh Start provide addicted persons with the resources, education and guidance they need to achieve true rehabilitation. Our drug and alcohol addiction rehabilitation program includes services to help addicts and their loved ones through the recovery process. As the loved one of a drug addict or alcoholic, reaching out for help is a critical step in getting the individual the help they need to stop using once and for all. Please, contact our skilled addiction counselors for guidance and support to help your loved one end their addiction and regain the life they are meant to be living.


This Time Around

I feel really good about my sauna program this time. The New Life Detoxification Program has helped me in the past when I first came to Rainbow Canyon Retreat years ago. I know that the benefits I achieved then have been accomplished them time around and that I am toxin free again. I wish I hadn’t relapsed but…I did and going through the dry sauna program again has helped me back on my road to lasting sobriety. This time around, I took my time and did it right. I didn’t hide any of my reactions during the detox process. I became very in tune with how my body reacts to different things and how my body functions overall. This is a very empowering feeling and I’m so glad I did it.
R. C.

Reaching the end of your rope?

For the addict, reaching the end of their rope feels like defeat; defeat over their ability to control themselves. No matter how hard they try or how much they want to remain sober the compulsion to use is stronger and wins. Admitting defeat over your ability to stop using means that you realize you have a problem larger than you can handle alone. For this very reason, drug rehab programs were created. While it is the intention of all drug rehab programs to get their clients off drugs or alcohol, not all programs are created equal.

If you are looking for a quick fix, a short-term solution or a Band-Aid to cover up the issue, you will likely be right back where you started in no time. Addicts who are at the end of their rope and know that they NEED to make changes in their life understand that a quick fix just isn’t going to do the trick. Addiction to drugs and alcohol is not a process that happens overnight, and neither is true rehabilitation.

Ending an addiction problem takes time, often months if not longer. The process involves several crucial steps conducted in a specific order so that no area is overlooked and all issues are addressed. Narconon Fresh Start is a team of drug rehab programs working to end addiction and help give their clients their lives back.

Their drug rehab program goes beyond simply getting the client off the addictive substances they are dependent on. Narconon Fresh Start treatment centers use and educational method of rehabilitation to help their program participants improve their personal mental and emotional skills: decision making, problem solving, communication, self-awareness, empathy, coping with emotions and coping with stress. Then many benefits of incorporating these skills in drug rehabilitation programs are best expressed by Mr. William Benitez, founder of the Narconon program.

“I found that if a person rehabilitated and applied certain abilities, that person could persevere toward goals set, confront life, isolate problems and resolve them, communicate with life, be responsible and set ethical standards, and function within the band of certainty.”
– William Benitez