Finding Drug Rehab

How do I Find the Right Drug Rehab?

Important things to consider when finding the right drug rehab.

How do I find the right drug rehab? When you are ready to stop your drug or alcohol abuse finding the right drug rehab program is the first step in the process. While the idea of ending your addiction is motivating, without the right help and support from an effective and highly successful drug rehab program you may find yourself spinning your wheels. The process of researching and finding the right program to help you overcome your drug addiction or alcoholism problem can feel like you’re looking for a needle in a haystack.

Finding Drug RehabTo help you narrow your search, let’s go over a few questions. How severe is your addiction problem? For individuals with long-term histories of alcoholism or drug addiction a long-term inpatient or residential program will be your best choice. Remaining in a program for an adequate length of time is going to get you the results you are looking for. Research shows that 90 days in treatment is considered the gold standard when recovering from long-term drug and alcohol addiction.

Do you have any special needs or requirements to ensure your comfort and safety during your recovery? This is an important point for those who have health issues in addition to their addiction problem. Additionally, individuals who struggle with mental illness in combination with their addiction problem will need to address this issue concurrently during their recovery process. Be sure to inquire if the programs you are looking into address mental illness if this is a concern for you personally.

If you are looking at programs close to home find out if you are able to take a tour of the facility. This may help to put you at ease when making a decision about which program will provide the right resources and accommodations to meet your needs. If you’re unable to see the program before enrolling, ask if they can send you any brochures or electronic literature to help you to visualize their facility and the property where the program is located.

Last of all consider how much you are able to invest in a drug rehab program. If you have insurance it is important to contact them to find out what your coverage is for addiction treatment and ask for a list of referrals. While insurance may not cover the entire cost of drug rehab, they may be able to pay part or a significant portion of the enrollment costs. This is a crucial point that many people do not even consider when looking into their drug rehab options; but one that can significantly narrow down your search for a program.

While each program ranges in price based on their services offered, length of stay and location look for the best value for your dollar. As with many things in life, you get what you pay for. Choosing to attend a lower cost rehab might mean cutting corners on your sobriety. A program that provides all the rehabilitation services you are looking for and the amenities you like is going to be worth spending the extra money on. In the end, this is one of the most important investments you will ever make in yourself.


Handling Stress and Emotions

After recovery, it is critical that you use the skills you have learned at Narconon Fresh Start to handle stress and emotions.

Learning to handle stress and control your emotions is a large part of maintaining sobriety. Before recovery, an addict would turn to their drug of choice to cope with stress or numb themselves from unwanted emotions. Now that they are sober, they have to use the life skills and tools they have learned in treatment to help them manage their stress, decompress and work through their emotions. Graduates of Narconon Fresh Start drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs learn these essential life skills and techniques during their time in treatment.

It takes time and effort to learn and develop the new skills and techniques necessary to handle stress and manage one’s emotions. Habitually abusing drugs or alcohol is a habit that wears on the user and becomes second nature when they feel stressed or overwhelmed. To break this habit, the recovering person must repeatedly use the new skills they have developed to handle personal stress and confront their emotions. Only by repetition will these new ways of handling stress and emotions become second nature to them and thoughts of using drugs or alcohol no longer feel like the solution to their problem.

Because the Narconon Fresh Start drug rehab program is a long-term residential treatment method, program participants have the time they need to break their engrained habit to use and develop new, healthy more effective ways to handle stress. During their time enrolled at Narconon Fresh Start, clients become students learning life skills that will help them end their addiction and become the person they were always meant to be before drugs or alcohol took center stage. While at Narconon Fresh Start, students learn the ability to confront, control and communicate with people and the world around them; critical skills to achieving success in life. They also learn how to take personal responsibility for themselves and their actions; this puts the control back in their hands so that they no longer look at themselves as a “victim” of their situation. The majority of the Narconon Fresh Start drug rehab program is dedicated to increasing the individual’s ability to function successfully in life. They learn to make correct decisions, work towards productive goals and how to maintain positive relationships while avoiding destructive ones. When these skills are fully developed, the person no longer needs to hide behind drug or alcohol use because they have all the skills they need to handle life sober.


The Benefits of Being Toxin Free

I had a long sauna program, but it was worth it! My mind and body are doing great. I liked doing this part of the program because of all the benefits of being toxin free. Thanks!
R. M.

Sauna Helped Stop the Drug Cravings

I’m glad to have had the opportunity once again, to rid my body of drug residuals and metabolites. The New Life Detoxification Program has helped stop the drug cravings, which had been troublesome. I feel like sweated out more toxins than I had in previous sauna. This time I stayed in for longer sessions, drank more water and was sure to take all my vitamins and minerals regularly. I feel ready to move forward to the next step.
P. P.

I Took My Time & Did It Right

I feel really good about my sauna program this time, I took my time and did it right. I didn’t hide any of my reactions and I became very in tune with how my body reacts to different things and how my body functions as a machine in general. This is a very empowering feeling and I’m so glad I did it.
R. C.