Alcohol Abuse

What You May Not Know About Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol AbuseAlcohol is a drug though many people would not consider it as such and can cause both physical and emotional dependence. Alcohol consumption is widely accepted globally, glorified in movies and used at many occasions. It is the number one drug problem in the US with over more than 12 million alcoholics. $197 million dollars are spent daily on alcohol in the US alone.

How Alcohol Abuse Affects Others

Alcohol abuse affects not only the person who abuses it, but the lives of those around them. Every 30 minutes a person is killed in an alcohol-related car accident. Alcohol use plays a big factor in felony cases, child beating cases, rape cases, wife battering cases, homicides and stabbings. Family members are also severely impacted emotionally and / or physically by a parent or spouse or someone else in the family who abuses alcohol.

Economically it cost the US over 200 billion a year in alcohol misuse problems.

Quitting Drinking Alcohol for Good

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Effects of Using Alcohol

When you are drunk, your behavior changes. Your mind starts swinging and you loose your balance. You can’t concentrate or focus and your words will more than likely have no meaning.

Effects of Alcohol UseWhen alcohol is consumed, it causes dizziness, relaxation, sleep, uncontrolled behavior, uncontrolled perceptions and poor judgement. Lack of consciousness can result in poor decisions causing a person to do what he or she normally wouldn’t do. The person can become hostile and assault someone.

Some people may have no recollection of what they did or what happened after waking up from drinking alcohol. When the blood-alcohol level returns to zero, the user will often experience a hangover. This will sometimes involve a combination of effects including upset stomach, headache, nausea, fatigue, food aversion, thirst and diarrhea.

Health Effects of Abusing Alcohol

Alcohol abuse can cause heart failure, kidney failure, chronic pancreatitis, brain damage, sleep disruptions and cirrhosis of the liver. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of cancers of the liver, mouth, esophagus, pharynx and breast. Read about alcohol shakes and tremors.

Signs and Symptoms Leading to Alcoholism

  • When alcohol use hinders work or school and other activities.
  • Drinking even when a physical condition can be made worse.
  • Drinking even when he or she knows they have to drive.
  • When blackouts or memory loss occurs.
  • Accidents occur when drinking.

More about becoming an alcoholic –>

Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction

Woman Abusing Alcohol

  • Drinking uncontrollably.
  • Always relying on alcohol to relieve stress.
  • Drinking in the morning, staying drunk or drinking alone.
  • Hiding their drinking or making excuses for drinking.
  • Withdrawal symptoms from not drinking.
  • Putting drinking over hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed.
  • Drinking even though education, career, family and relationships are jeopardized.
  • Making sure there is always enough alcohol or that social events include alcohol.

Helping Someone with Alcohol Addiction

People who abuse alcohol or drugs will usually deny that they have a problem and refuse help. If you suspect a loved one is abusing alcohol, reach out to them and get them some help. An intervention may be needed and can save a person’s life. Speak with a drug and alcohol rehabilitation specialist today to see how you can help your loved one get his or her life back or to find out more about the Narconon Fresh Start drug and alcohol rehab program by calling 1-855-734-2223.

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Narconon Fresh Start: True Rehabilitation

The Narconon Fresh Start drug and alcohol rehab program is the most comprehensive treatment method with one of the highest success rates in the industry.

Struggling with addiction is one of the most difficult issues a family can face. The person they love and cherish appears to vanish and is replaced by an individual who often looks and behaves like a stranger. Addiction changes the user in so many ways; some of these ways are easier to reverse than others. With the help of Narconon Fresh Start’s drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, your loved one can become fully rehabilitated during their time enrolled in this program. The Narconon Fresh Start method of rehabilitation has one of the best success rates in the industry, as well as one of the longest proven track records.

Clients who enroll in this program receive the most comprehensive drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment available. All aspects of addiction are addressed and handled while the individual is in treatment; when they graduate they are fully rehabilitated. No meetings, no drug substitution therapy and no need for continued addiction counseling for graduates of Narconon Fresh Start; they have learned and mastered all the drug prevention tools and life skills they require to live a healthy sober life when they return home.

True rehabilitation is accomplished at Narconon Fresh Start centers through the use of the New Life Detoxification Program and Life Skills Program. The New Life Detoxification program effectively removes the physical cravings and compulsions caused by drug residual build up within the person’s body. Using a consistent protocol of exercise, dry sauna therapy and special nutritional supplements the program participant flushes out the residual drug toxins from their system.

The Life Skills Program at Narconon Fresh Start address the mental and behavioral changes necessary to restore the individual to a drug-free, productive member of their family and community once again. This process uses a specific sequence of educational Life Skills Courses, case supervising direction and professional guidance. The Life Skills Courses help the program participant to come to their own realizations which initiates the necessary changes in their behavior. The methods used by Narconon Fresh Start drug rehab encourage self-determined participation in the program, engaging the program participant in their own recovery process. Key points these courses focus on are honesty and accountability for one’s actions. With these fundamental key points as the foundation of the Narconon Fresh Start program, clients learn how to become constructive, accountable individuals who can make much better decisions in life.


Help for Drug Addiction

If you think you have a problem with drug addiction, there is a lot of help out there for you. You have already taken the biggest step to recovery–admitting there is a problem. The next step is figuring out how to beat the addiction. The first thing you should do is get your addiction assessed. Every person is different, and every addiction is different. In order to ensure that you attend the right type of program to meet your recovery needs you should speak with an addiction counselor. Locating an addiction counselor can be accomplished by contacting your insurance company, conducting a search on the web, speaking with your primary physician for a referral or even contacting a prospective drug rehab program you are considering attending. When you speak with the counselor it is imperative that you are forthcoming with the details of your drug use. You will have to describe any and all effects the addiction has had on your life and the lives of others. This can be a very intimate and revealing process, but it is essential to making your way to recovery. This helps the counselor to make an accurate judgment as to what level and duration of care is necessary to help you end you cycle of addiction.

Narconon Fresh Start Can Help

We here at Narconon Fresh Start understand what a difficult situation you going through. We know that you have tried and attempted solutions within the family to end the addiction, we know you have been through a lot and have different feelings about what to do and how to go about doing it. As one of the most successful drug rehab programs in the country we will help you change this movie that has been playing for too long now and transform it to a better movie for you and your family that does not have the addiction cast into it. Many of us have been through and overcome addiction ourselves. We want you to know, while every person and family is different, there is one thing you all have in common – you can have your life back and we will help you get there. Contact us today to speak with our addiction counselors and see how our program will help you achieve sobriety.

Our programs are considered the most effective form of addiction rehabilitation, with a high number of our graduates remaining sober after their graduation. Narconon Fresh Start drug rehab centers are residential, long-term, drug-free, holistically based rehabilitation programs able to address all forms of substance abuse and addiction. Clients enter our centers addicted to all different substances including alcohol, meth, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, prescription pills, over the counter medication, synthetic drugs (spice, bath salts, etc.) and are able to fully recover from their addiction and go on to live the life they imagined for themselves before their addiction took hold.

Shakes and Tremors Caused by Alcohol

Alcohol AbuseRecently a loved one in my life pointed out that she shakes badly every morning, especially after a night of heavy drinking. Since this loved one is somewhat older I told her that I thought it might be the beginnings of Parkinson’s; just like her father had. However, watching firsthand how difficult it was for her to even put toothpaste on her toothbrush due to her severe shaking the morning after she consumed a great deal of wine, I’m now inclined to believe that the tremors are caused by her alcohol abuse.

I decided to do some more research on this topic and this is what I’ve found. Tremors or uncontrollable shaking can be triggered by alcohol use. It is characterized by jerky, fluttery movements of the person’s hands and fingers that cannot be stopped voluntarily. In addition to uncontrollable shaking, the individual may experience tremors in their arms, head and eyes; these tremors can go so far as to affect their voice too. The research notes that if the individual experiences tremors and/or uncontrollable shaking brought on by their alcohol use they may have a very serious problem and should speak with a medical professional about their treatment options.

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Quitting Alcohol for Good

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When it comes to tremors and alcohol – alcoholism and alcohol withdrawal are the primary causes of tremors. When the person speaks with their medical professional about their alcohol consumption the doctor will ask if their drinking worsens or improves their tremors as a way to judge if alcohol is to blame for the uncontrollable shaking. It is important that the individual not stop drinking abruptly after a prolonged period of time (e.g. such as stopping after drinking most days of the week for several years) because they could suffer potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include a wide range of symptoms; everything from depression, vomiting and diarrhea to the severe extreme of seizures or death. Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can take place within 5 to 10 hours of an alcohol dependent person’s last drink, worsen at 48 to 72 hours and continue for several weeks. Their uncontrollable shaking will likely be accompanied by anxiety, mood swings, irritability, clammy skin, dilated pupils, nausea and vomiting.

Lastly, the closing paragraph of the article I read really hit home and made the experience of watching my loved one’s shaky hands all that more scary. It stated that if the person is a heavy drinker and already experiencing tremors and uncontrollable shaking it is likely that their body is already dependent on alcohol. It has been reported that excessive alcohol use is characterized by consuming more than 15 drinks per week for men and 8 drinks per week for women. The article went on to state that a clear sign a person has an alcohol problem is if they schedule their daily routine around their drinking and/or experience negative consequences due to their drinking but continue to do so anyway. These negative consequences might include fighting with their spouse, getting arrested for drinking and driving, and not remembering things they’ve said and done while drinking.

I have to say that I knew all of this information. Working for Narconon Fresh Start drug rehab I’ve become very knowledgeable about alcoholism and every other kind of drug addiction. But, after doing additional research on the subject and reading it in black and white the fact that my loved one has a problem really hit home. All the times my loved one couldn’t remember singing Happy Birthday to my children at their birthday parties, the conversations we had on the phone the previous nights, not being able to follow a simple story from start to finish without getting confused – these have all been warning signs that there was a problem developing. I’ve even noticed that I do my best not to call after 6pm or so because that’s when I’m sure she has started drinking and won’t remember our conversation any longer, at that point I typically decide to wait until the next morning to call.

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It is only now that I realize the extent of my loved one’s problem and that I need to find a way to make a difference in her life. I have conquered my own drug addiction problems and I know how difficult it is to stop using. However, with the rehabilitation and education that I received at Narconon Fresh Start, the right words and properly chosen facts I believe that I can shed some light on my loved one’s issue for her and guide her into a healthy lifestyle.

Are you an Alcoholic?

Smoking and Drinking AlcoholProblems with alcohol develop over time and can be difficult to identify. Knowing the common signs of alcoholism will help you determine whether you or your loved one has a drinking problem. While countless people in our country abuse or overuse alcohol, they are not physically dependent on it. If alcohol were removed from their lives they would not suffer any physical withdrawal symptoms or severe cravings to drink. On the other hand, a person who is an alcoholic and has to go without drinking will experience a number of withdrawal symptoms.

Some of the initial signs of an alcohol abuse or addiction problem include tolerance, withdrawal, denial and out-of-control drinking. Tolerance is when the user’s body begins to need more and more of the said substance to achieve the desired effect. For example, a person who once only drank a beer or two now needs four or five to experience the buzz that comes from alcohol. Professionals in the field of addiction share that an increased tolerance is one of the first major warning signs of alcoholism.

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Withdrawal is the next issue when it comes to answering, what are common signs of alcoholism? When the user’s body begins to depend on the substance and it is no longer provided, they experience withdrawal. Depending on the severity of the alcoholic’s problem they may suffer jumpiness, shaking, sweating, vomiting, fatigue, insomnia and depression. In rare cases, withdrawal can be serious or dangerous and include symptoms of fever, hallucinations and seizures.

Many people who have problems with alcohol are in denial about their level of dependence. A person who is in denial about their alcohol use may underestimate how much they are actually drinking. They may become defensive when confronted by family and loved ones and downplay how much they consume. They might turn the attention back on the loved one and say that they are making a big deal out of nothing or blame their alcohol use on problems they are experiencing in their life (i.e. work, school, relationships, money, etc.).

Out-of-control drinking is another one of the common signs of alcoholism. A person who is struggling with early stages of alcoholism will have a limited ability to show self-control when it comes to their alcohol consumption. As their problem progresses they may choose to drink alone and/or in secret. Alcoholics are known for keeping a constant supply of alcohol in the house as well as hiding alcohol is peculiar places so that it is always accessible to them. As their addiction spirals out of control they will lose interest in their family and friends. They may develop problems financially, legally, in their personal health and other areas of their life.

Drinking and driving is a major problem among alcoholics. They drink more than they think they do and then get behind the wheel. This may happen unintentionally because as an alcoholic their ability to judge how much is too much no longer exists. Their actions take on a new level of recklessness because their drinking now affects more than just them; it affects all those who are on the road with them while they are intoxicated behind the wheel.

Another sign of alcoholism is having the desire to cut-back or stop drinking all together and not being able to. This is a classic symptom of addiction. Even though the person knows that their drinking is negatively affecting them they cannot stop drinking. This is a wakeup call for the drinker. They cannot stop on their own and need to take a hard look at getting help for their addiction problem.

People suffering from alcoholism will often neglect activities that were once important to them. They begin to spend more and more time getting alcohol, drinking and getting drunk and then recovering from their overindulgence. It takes up so much of their time that they no longer have the energy to engage in hobbies or spend time with people they care about.

Suffering from blackouts and memory loss are common signs of alcoholism. An alcoholic may drink so much that they suffer a blackout or partial memory loss. They cannot remember their actions during a period of time that they were under the influence. During a blackout the alcoholic may say or do things to those they care about and have no recollection of it. Their hurtful words or behavior can leave lasting emotional and physical scars that they personally will never be able to recall inflicting. Also, alcoholics are known for breaking their word. They may have the best of intentions to attend their child’s dance recital or soccer game, to pay their bills on time or not call in sick for work. These good intentions never come to fruition because the alcoholic does not follow through.

The downward spiral of alcoholism doesn’t have to continue. Contacting Narconon Fresh Start drug rehab can put you or the person you care about on the right path to getting the necessary treatment to break the cycle. Their drug-fee, non-traditional rehabilitation philosophy has helped thousands of alcoholics over the past 45 years end their struggles with alcohol and other addictive substances and learn to live a sober, productive and happy life. The results their program is able to achieve are unsurpassed in the field of addiction recovery; with over three-quarters of their graduates continuing a clean and sober lifestyle after completing the program.